・開催日時:2024年11月15日(金) 15:30 ~ 17:00
・場所 : REF Okinawa Arena by Vessel Hotels 1F
・プログラム:デジタルノマドへの質問と対話 、交流会(参加者同士の交流)
・言語 : 英語 (適宜、日本語の翻訳サポートします)
・その他 : ドリンクや軽食をご用意しています
Join Digital Nomads from Around the World in Okinawa!
Digital nomads are remote workers who use IT skills to work from anywhere, much like modern-day “nomads.” They include startup founders, investors, and employees of well-known companies who travel internationally while working remotely.
With an estimated 35 million digital nomads worldwide today, the market is expected to grow to 1 billion in the next decade. This global trend highlights the significant economic impact of digital nomads. Even in Japan, where the term “digital nomad” is still gaining recognition, a new “Digital Nomad Visa” was introduced in April 2024, allowing for a six-month stay. Over 50 countries have implemented similar visas worldwide.
Learning Business Insights from the Diverse Perspectives of Digital Nomads
Over the course of this week, we will create an opportunity to gain valuable business insights through questions and dialogue with international digital nomads currently staying in the northern part of Okinawa.
*How do digital nomads perceive themselves, and what kind of lifestyles do they lead?
*How can we leverage this emerging market for our own businesses?
*What are the latest global trends from the perspective of digital nomads traveling the world?
*What do they find appealing about Okinawa, and what challenges do they encounter here?
By casually discussing these questions and ideas, we aim to explore the diverse perspectives and lifestyles of digital nomads, which cannot be easily generalized. Through this, we hope to create a learning environment that provides valuable insights for participants’ future business strategies and ways of living.
Who Should Attend
*Business operators and local government officials considering welcoming digital nomads to their region in Japan
*Companies interested in exploring the digital nomad market
Event Details
– Date & Time : Friday, November 15, 2024, 15:30 – 17:00
– Venue : REF Okinawa Arena by Vessel Hotels, 1st Floor
– Program : Q&A and Dialogue with Digital Nomads, Networking; Interaction among participants
– How to Register: Sign up via this form
– Participation Fee: Free
– Language: English (with Japanese translation support as needed)
– Additional Info: Drinks and light snacks will be provided.

Maria Kinoshita / カナダ拠点
アフリカ、日本、フランスにルーツを持つグローバルシティズン。現在はカナダを拠点としてデジタルノマドライフを送っています。企業向けのインストラクショナルデザイン、多言語対応のeラーニングモジュール開発、学習管理プラットフォームの実装を専門とするエドテック(教育技術)エージェンシー「Octo D」の創設者です。
Maria Kinoshita / Based in Canada
A global citizen with roots in Africa, Japan, and France, Maria currently lives a digital nomad lifestyle from her base in Canada. She is the founder of Octo D, an EdTech agency specializing in instructional design for corporate clients, development of multilingual e-learning modules, and implementation of learning management platforms.

Akina Shu /日本出身
2019年からデジタルノマドとしての生活を送り、2024年には4回目の世界一周を達成。彼女の情熱は、日本が「デジタルノマドの目的地」となるよう推進し、社会的な影響を生み出すことです。「ストーリーを通じて多様性を広める」というビジョンを掲げたポッドキャスト「Nomad University」を主催しています。
Akina Shu / From Japan
Since 2019, Akina has been living as a digital nomad and completed her fourth round-the-world trip in 2024. Her passion is to promote Japan as a destination for digital nomads and create social impact. She is the host of the podcast “Nomad University,” which aims to spread diversity through storytelling.

Yeji Cheon / 韓国出身
韓国・ソウルにあるコリビング・コワーキングコミュニティ「Seoul Nooks」の創設者兼コミュニティ運営者です。ソウルを拠点とするパートタイムのデジタルノマドとしても、コワーキングスペースの先駆者としても豊富な経験を持ち、多国籍かつ多文化な環境の中で、文化的な隔たりを埋め、深く有意義なつながりを育むことに専念しています。
Yeji Cheon / From South Korea
Yeji is the founder and community manager of Seoul Nooks, a co-living and co-working community based in Seoul, South Korea. As a part-time digital nomad and pioneer of co-working spaces, she brings a wealth of experience in bridging cultural gaps and fostering deep, meaningful connections in multicultural environments.

Nick Vinken / オランダ出身
Nick Vinken / From the Netherlands
Nick is a filmmaker and the head of a video production company specializing in creating video content for digital nomad events and projects. Having lived as a digital nomad for over five years, he combines professional expertise and personal experience to produce engaging, visually dynamic videos that resonate with digital nomads and remote workers with a global perspective.

Harry Wang / 台湾出身
日本の立命館アジア太平洋大学を卒業後、リモートワークを行いながら台湾の企業に就職。現在、台湾を拠点とする「Digital Nomads Co.,」の創設者兼CEOとして、人々が自由なライフスタイルを探求できる支援を行うことを使命に活動を行っています。デジタルノマドのライフスタイルを台湾で推進し、国際交流を促進することで、台湾をアジアにおけるデジタルノマドの玄関口の1つとして位置づけることを目指しています。
Harry Wang / From Taiwan
After graduating from Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University in Japan, Harry began working remotely for a Taiwanese company. He is now the founder and CEO of Digital Nomads Co., based in Taiwan, with a mission to support people in exploring a free lifestyle. He aims to promote the digital nomad lifestyle in Taiwan and position the country as a gateway for digital nomads in Asia, fostering international exchange.
株式会社NomadResort について
株式会社 NomadResortは、沖縄県名護市を中心にデジタルノマド誘致と遊休資産の活用で日本の地方に新しい形のリゾートを作る企画開発会社です。
About NomadResort Inc.
NomadResort Inc. is a project development company based in Nago City, Okinawa, focused on attracting digital nomads and utilizing idle assets to create a new style of resort in Japan’s rural areas.
Addressing the pressing needs of regional revitalization, open innovation, and inbound tourism promotion, the company aims to attract numerous digital nomads to the region as a model case for local revitalization, ultimately energizing the future of Japan.
For more information, please visit our website.